Hampshire & Islands Area Quaker Meeting welcomes everyone to their Area and Local Meetings. Quakers recognise that of God in everyone. All children, young people and adults deserve respect, value and appropriate care. We have policy and practice which helps us to safeguard all children and adults who are part of our Meetings.
Abuse is unacceptable. Everyone, including children and vulnerable adults, have a right to participate in Quaker communities without suffering harm. We are committed to keeping everyone safe. Our care extends to people who are at risk of abuse, have been abused and to those who may be perpetrators. We apply the Quaker national approach to assessing and managing risks from those who have a record of offending.
Hampshire and Islands Quaker Meeting is committed to the robust implementation of these policies and practices. We believe that they offer the best protection for those adults and young people in our Meetings who may be at risk of harm. There are three main strands to this work:
1. the prevention of harm through an active caring approach and safe procedures for the appointment of those in positions of trust
2. the taking of effective action where harm is found or suspected
3. the care of those who may be affected by harm
Read our safeguarding policy here
If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our Key Safeguarding Contacts
Trustee Safeguarding Coordinator: Trish Roscoe Tel 07765 998198
Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator: Bev Meeson Tel 07866 445531